Fortin observed that it “…has been argued cogently that the most pervasive influence inhibiting reform has been the cultural conditioning affecting our treatment of children (18)”.
The argument is that they themselves have received CP when they were a child and they do not see it having any negative effects on them today. It is very difficult to convince them of the negative effects of CP in such a case. Because of the wide practice in some states of CP which has been carried for generations, those who are in favour of it will no doubt point to the fact that many a good and respectable citizen today were once punished corporally.
Further, there are those who hold firm to the stand that CP on children is not only allowed but encouraged by their religion. They will no doubt point to the holy scriptures where none other than King Solomon himself said that “He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him (19)”. Who would dare argue with the wisest man who lived on the earth?
(18) See note 16 above
(19) Proverbs 13:24 New International Version
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